Welcome to a joint webpage of Interreg projects DeTo – Developing Together and Arbeta tillsammans!

DeTo – Developing Together was a small-scale project funded by Interreg Aurora. The lead partner of the project was Kemi-Torniolaakso Education and Training Consortium Lappia and other partners were Educational Consortium OSAO and Utbildning Nord.
The operational period of the DeTo project was from the 1st of March to the 31st of August 2023.

Arbeta tillsammans was an Interreg Nord project with partners from north Finland and north Sweden working together for promoting a common labour market area and increasing awareness of opportunities for labour mobility across borders.
The operational period of Arbeta tillsammans project was from the 1st of March 2020 to the 30th of September 2022.
Arbeta tillsammans – Working Together was funded by Interreg Nord, The Regional Council of Lapland and Region Norrbotten. The lead partner was Educational Consortium OSAO, and the partners were Vocational College Lappia, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, North Calotte Council, Utbildning Nord and Luleå University of Technology.